People often ask me, “What kind of an internet business should I start?”. The answer really depends on what you have enough passion to write about consistently and is in an area that people will likely spend money for. To spark your imagination, here are several sample businesses that people I know are running.
Improve your parenting
At, Alison teaches people to become better parents. Allison is doing a fantastic job of creating her own personal persona of being an expert in her field, getting herself on television, begin invitated to speak at major events, and appearing on podcasts. She’s also monetizing her site with gentle parenting guides. Check out this article reminding mothers to take care of themselves. It’s a great job, helping families improve their lives.
Behaviors to Improve your Business
Dr. John Austin is an internationally recognized expert in providing behavior-based solutions to organizational challenges. On his blog at he and other members of his team present helpful articles to improve business behavior. I really liked the article by his colleague, Nicole, on controlling your inner micro manager. Frankly that’s an issue that a lot of us face in starting a business and it can interfere a lot with your growth. You have to be able to rely on other people to get things done. He monetizes his site with ebooks and also uses it to promote conferences.
Run your cleaning business better
Dimitar Karamarinov has a great idea with his blog,, where he teaches people how to run a cleaning business. I liked, for example, his tips on how to get bloodstains out of a mattress. I couldn’t see how he is bringing in money from his site but he has a reasonable amount of visitors. After a few good tips, vistors would be happy to buy an ebook from him.
Grow your business
Safwan’s blog,, features and promotes startups and helps them with their social media marketing. If you are working on starting an internet business, his article on social media is a must read. He is currently monetizing his site with affiliate offers, but I can see him creating a value ladder of social media guides in the future.
Lose Weight
Losing weight is another popular topic on the web. but Claude at has a spin on it: “Its all in your mind” He also personalizes it by taking people on the journey with him. Take a look at this post where, after losing 60 pounds, he invites his readers to come on a journey with him. If you review his website, you can see that he is starting to monetize his site with a book.
The choices that you have to start your internet business are endless. Think about the examples above and start taking action. Pick a topic area where people will spend money. Write with your own voice. If you do this, you will create a tribe of people that will follow you. That tribe is the key to making money online.
Tell me your thoughts. What internet business have you started or are you going to start?
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